Hi everyone!
May have just had the most wild weekend of my life.
As some of you know, I spent the last few days in South Florida returning to my college stomping grounds and... oh, yeah... opening for JP Saxe. I truly can't extend enough of a warm, sincere, and genuine thank you to JP and his entire team for giving me such an opportunity in a city that has been such a part of my artistic journey.
I met a lot of new friends last Saturday and can't wait to keep up with you and get to know you more.
Since it was such a night to remember, I threw together a quick vlog of the entire day that I just posted. Wanted to share with you all first (because if you've read this long you're a real one).
Many, many more shows and opportunities to see ya later this year (some to even announce next week). For now, back to Nashville to return to making the songs I've been promising will soon be yours.
Stay tuned xx